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Corporate Counsel to Oprah Winfrey

Represented Oprah Winfrey in connection with a groundbreaking strategic collaboration and brand partnership with Weight Watchers International, Inc., resulting in Ms. Winfrey’s 10 percent equity stake in the company through the purchase of newly issued shares, with an option to acquire an additional 5 percent equity stake. The partnership also includes Ms. Winfrey’s addition to the board of directors as an active adviser in the development and execution of new program initiatives.

A cross-practice team from Loeb & Loeb LLP represented Oprah Winfrey in a groundbreaking strategic collaboration and brand partnership with Weight Watchers International, Inc., the world’s leading commercial provider of weight management services. As part of the 5-year partnership, Ms. Winfrey purchased newly issued shares of Weight Watchers representing a 10 percent equity stake in the company—with option to acquire an additional 5 percent—and she joined the Weight Watchers Board of Directors, where she will serve as an active adviser in the development and execution of new program initiatives. Ms. Winfrey has also joined the Weight Watchers program. The multifaceted agreement involved complex corporate, securities, branding, and intellectual property rights, services and licensing issues and represented a strategic alignment of interests between Ms. Winfrey and Weight Watchers, which is expanding its mission from focusing on weight loss alone to more broadly inspiring people to live healthier and more fulfilling lives.