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What Is CPA (Or ColoPA)?

Loeb & Loeb Advanced Media & Technology partner Jessica Lee is quoted in this AdMonsters article that outlines the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA or ColoPA), which was signed into law on July 7, 2021. This makes Colorado the third state — joining California and Virginia — to pass comprehensive privacy legislation. Publishers and marketers will need to comply by July 1, 2023.

Much like its predecessors, California’s CCPA and CPRA, as well as Virginia’s VCDPA (with a dash of GDPR thrown in), the CPA will give Colorado residents a bunch of privacy rights, including the right to access, correct and delete their personal data, and to opt-out of the processing of their data for targeted advertising, sale of their personal data and profiling.

“These laws are always more complicated to implement than they appear, and once companies start to get into the weeds on how to navigate these new obligations, mistakes will inevitably be made,” said Jessica, who was originally interviewed by The Drum in June 2021.

Click here to read the full article on AdMonsters’ website.