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LABJ Insider: Why Companies Need to Adapt Workspaces to People, Not Vice Versa

Loeb Entertainment associate Dimitry Krol served as a panelist at the Los Angeles Business Journal’s “Navigating Workplace Needs” panel on November 10, 2021, which discussed how companies must adapt to evolving needs from employees, particularly during this era of the Great Talent Reshuffle—a more positive label popping up online than the Great Resignation referring to how large numbers of people are reevaluating how and where they want to work.

During the panel, Dimitry said that he believes that facilitating collaboration will be necessary but doing so requires an awareness of a team’s operations. 

“I think it’s going to be collaborative – not only … in meeting together but also in understanding your workforce and how they’re working for you and how best you can implement remote work or in-person environments,” Dimitry said. 

Click here to read the full article on Los Angeles Daily Journal’s website.