Loeb & Loeb LLP achieved a significant appellate victory for Hillerich & Bradsby Co. (H&B) when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed a summary judgment order finding that Bionic gloves featuring H&B’s own patented technology do not infringe a patent for a hand grip aid. Initially designed by a prominent orthopedic surgeon for hockey and batting gloves, H&B launched its Bionic division in 2002 to market Bionic gloves for batting, gardening, golf, tennis, and other activities. H&B is a family owned business in Louisville, Kentucky, that traces its history back to 1884, when John “Bud” Hillerich began making the legendary Louisville Slugger® baseball bats in his father’s woodworking shop.
Loeb & Loeb partner Laura Wytsma represented Hillerich & Bradsby Co. in the suit. Ms. Wytsma is an intellectual property lawyer in Loeb's Los Angeles office whose practice focuses on patent and appellate litigation.