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PTAB Trials


In an increasingly evolving marketplace where exploiting patent rights is crucial to competitive survival, challenging your competitor’s patents, and defending your challenged patents, is more important than ever. Effective use of proceedings before the USPTO’s Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) are now part of nearly every effective patent enforcement and defense strategy.

Loeb’s PTAB Trials practice counsels clients on the effective use of PTAB proceedings as a key strategy to utilize in conjunction with actual or anticipated patent litigation in federal court. Our highly experienced PTAB practitioners are skilled in using PTAB proceedings — including inter partes reviews (IPR), post-grant reviews (PGR), covered business method (CBM) reviews (now-expired), ex parte reexamination proceedings, and patent interferences — to challenge a competitor’s patents and/or defend against patent challenges brought by a competitor. In addition, Loeb’s PTAB practitioners also routinely handle ex parte patent appeals to the PTAB to assist gaining allowance of our clients’ patent claims.

Having handled more than 200 proceedings before the PTAB, our team draws upon our unmatched experience and deep knowledge of the Board’s inner workings to provide the most effective and efficient approach to each matter. We have advised clients in virtually every technological discipline, including biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, cellular communications, medical devices, semiconductor fabrication and processing, computer algorithms and processes, electronics and electrical devices, mechanical equipment and fabrication, manufacturing processes, electronic gaming and toys, and the automotive aftermarket.