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Meet Our Chief Client Development & Marketing Officer

Now that you have met our Loeb Reconnected ambassadors and office leaders, we think it’s time you get to know some of our other team members a little better. Read on to meet Christa Crane, our Chief Client Development & Marketing Officer. 

Loeb Law Firm Chief Marketing Officer

Please introduce yourself. How long have you worked at Loeb? 

I have been with Loeb for eight years. During that time, I’ve had the pleasure of working out of our three largest offices … starting with my first four years in New York, then the next four in Los Angeles, and, as of earlier this year, I’m now based in Chicago. It’s been a combination of circumstances that has led to my transfers, and I’m grateful to the firm for being supportive. 

It’s been an exciting time to be CMO of Loeb. We have had a lot of growth, change, challenges and opportunities during my tenure. We’ve done some amazing things together, and I know we’ll continue to do so!

Tell us about Loeb’s marketing efforts. Where are you most focused? Looking ahead, are there any new initiatives you are excited to launch?

In the fourth quarter of each year, our marketing team works together to identify broad areas of focus and strategic direction for the next year. In fact, going back a few years, the alumni program you’re now a part of was the brainchild of one of those “what are we missing/where should we be more focused” sessions! As we look ahead to 2023, our greatest challenge is making sure we’re thinking about connectivity and “glue” as the underpinning of any programming or new initiatives. And, by this, I mean both thinking about opportunities to connect in more meaningful ways with our clients, our alumni and those in our broader communities as well as helping our lawyers come together and collaborate in new ways. After a few years of living and working largely apart, we are thinking strategically about what the balance should look like going forward. The world is a different place now. So, whether we’re thinking of how we’re communicating internally or externally, events we’re hosting, programs we’re running or how we’re leveraging technology, we will be rethinking our traditional lineup and looking for ways to include more opportunities for team-building and togetherness in the mix.

If I weren’t the CMO, I would be …

A child psychologist. Never say never, and hopefully in my career 2.0 (or even in retirement), I’ll have the time to explore this more fully. For now, I find great balance in doing the marketing work I love at Loeb but also getting involved in my community. I’m currently on the board of one of our firm’s fabulous pro bono organizations helping to support at-risk youth, and in the past, I’ve made commitments to programs like Big Brothers Big Sisters, which I have found incredibly rewarding.